What is 2018 bringing your way?

It is your year, and it is your time ~


As you continue your journey into this exciting year of 2018, you must remember that no matter what is ahead, you are ready for the next phase of your life.  The reason why you are ready for this next exciting phase of your life is because you have learned a lot over the past year, grown a lot, and made up in your mind that this year is going to be a better year than the one that you just stepped out of.  Am I right about that?

It is your year, and it is your time ~ Welcome to the beginning of 2018!

By René Allen

©Copyright 2018 – Umbrella Life by René Allen – All Rights Reserved

When a Journal whispers your name . . .

The Writer in you has the answer…









Writers & Authors, sometimes a Journal will whisper your name.  In those times, you’ll hear this voice calling out to you so that you may turn the mystic key to unlock the writings within you waiting to emerge

You’ve heard this message before, but it is definitely worth repeating, because you are about to step in a new year.

The reason why Journals are made is for the many Writers that are sitting around forgetting their “gift of the pen”.

 The question for you today is:  Do you have your Journal ready?

 If not, do take the time to go out and find one that will pull your heart-strings, and get your writing juices flowing.

 It is vital that you keep tabs on the Writer inside of you.  That Writer is your dearest friend.  Whenever you need to know something about yourself and you think that you are clueless…

 Surprise!  The Writer in you has the answer, and can express it clearly and most accurately to you if you take the time to engage in a two-way conversation in the pages of your Journal.

 I’ll be back with more Journal tips for you.  See you back here soon with your Journal in hand!

By René Allen

©Copyright 2018 – Umbrella Life by René Allen – All Rights Reserved


What’s My Point?

A Blog that you will enjoy by friend William Calkins.

Roarke Reality Riffs


What’s my point. A statement I often make when I’ve criss-crossed a thousand loosely related tangents to frame my discussion and establish my point. Then I rhetorically ask aloud, “what’s my point.” It’s a focusing technique, a moment to let the contrail of thoughts and concepts settle, catch-up and then I execute a grand paraphrase. At least that’s the gist of the premise, the general idea, the altruistic intent of any of my conversations; making the quintessential point.

Sometimes I have to shake my fellow conversationalist awake, or looking into their glazed over eyes, snap my fingers to re-focus their attention or as a last resort, wave something shiny above my head. Sometimes it’s quicker to just take a few beats and then declare, “never mind” so we can go get some flat beer and chili dogs down at the bowling alley.

There’s an old adage that states, “pick your…

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Umbrella Life by

Get ready to turn those clocks back!


by René Allen


Get ready to turn those clocks back!

~ Yes, SUNDAY is move the clock back day ~

Daylight Saving Time began on Sunday, March 13, 2016 and ends on Sunday, November 6, 2016.

Now you have plenty of time to get yourself mentally ready to shift, and ease yourself into becoming comfortable with your days becoming darker sooner.  This is when many of us begin to start feeling drab, and some of us fall into the doldrums.

But let’s look on the bright side – It is always nice to have an extra hour of sleep on the weekend, and we’re about to get one as we fall back into Daylight Saving Time.

This year, Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday, November 6.  The time change officially takes place at 2 a.m., but you don’t have to spring out of bed and move the big hand on your clock back an hour. The change is automatic for most smartphones, computers, tablets and other digital devices.

If you’re still using an analog alarm clock, you’ll probably want to move it back before you go to sleep on Saturday, November 5th or when you wake up the next morning, on Sunday, November 6th.  The end of DST is also a good time to change the batteries and make sure your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are in working order.  Turn and test is a reminder to turn your clocks back and take a few minutes to push the test button to make sure all alarms are working.

The bad news: falling back an hour means the sun will begin to set before dinner on Long Island. Sunset on Sunday will be at 4:46 p.m.  YIKES!

Get plenty of rest my friends, because remember it’s NOVEMBER and we have NOVELS to write. . .

It is now National Novel Writing Month

  NaNoWriMo is in swing ~ 4th day!

I’ll see you and all the other Novelists online ~ NaNoWriMo.org

Have a wonderful weekend clicking those keys,

Your Friend,

René Allen


©Copyright – René Allen – November 4th, 2016 – UMBRELLA LIFE – All Rights Reserved

Umbrella Life ~ Autumn is here…


Well Readers and Umbrella handlers, let it be known that Autumn is here.

Sometimes we let our Umbrellas down all the way, and sometimes we place our Umbrella to the right or left of us.  Well today good people, we are sash~sashaying toward an uplifting season.  We are going to handle our Umbrellas like they are a dear friend.

There are many times in life where you are caught off guard, and the rain pours down, and there is no Umbrella in sight.  Well, not this season.  This season, we are always going to be prepared.  How so, you ask?  We are going to put our miniature umbrellas in our hand bags, briefcases, carry~alls, and throw an extra Umbrella of larger size in our car, truck or SUV.  Then, we are going to march on like our day is full of Sunshine, whether it is or not.

November is coming up, and it is National Novel Writing Month starting on November 1st, 2016 — We don’t have time to worry about the rain.  It is time to WRITE!

I hope that you are ready for your 2016 Novel.  Do check into NaNoWriMo.org and sign up if you have not done so aleady.  Be prepared to write a 50,000 word Novel in 30 days.  You can do it, and you’ll have a lot of other Novel Writers clicking away on those keys with you.

And remember, if it happens to rain and you forget your dear friend, the trusty umbrella — don’t worry, shift your focus to something more important — Write a Novel.  You have so many Novels inside of you, it is now time to pull one out.

In an Emergency of a down-pour, just pull out your Raincoat with hood, and keep it moving!

SEE you back here soon NOVELISTS…

A René Allen creation


Umbrella Life ~ Spring Thoughts…



Today is a brand NEW day, and we are embarking on a New Season ~ Yes, SPRING ~ 2016!

Now that we have entered into the Spring Season, it is now time to reflect on those jewels hidden within…

What new thing or things are you going to dare to do this Season?

Let us first be appreciative of all of the joyous people that we have in our lives — friends, family, co-workers, and also all of the new friends that we are meeting along the way in life.

Review Time…

Sometimes it is worth it to stop and reflect.  Reflection has a way of keeping you on track.  One way to help you with your progress is to Journal.  I can’t stress it enough.  You’ll find that I always mention Journaling, because it is very helpful in so many ways.  You will begin to keep your thoughts close to your heart when you Journal daily.  You’ll find that your mind becomes clearer and more focused on your aspirations. 

KEY POINT There are no errors — everything becomes a work in progress.  You can learn from every thought that you share in your Journal with yourself.  The best way to keep in touch with your mental state is to record it.  Yes, write it down.  Meditate on why you feel the way you feel.

Pay attention to the interesting people that cross your path.  Understand that sometimes the things that you are looking for are right in front of your face — literally!

It will be interesting to find you Journaling in the months of April and May, and discovering deep jewels during the month of May after you go back and read your April Journal notations.  Give it a try — We’ll be here waiting to hear what you find out about yourself and the process that you undertake as you search your soul.

With determination, you’ll be sure to improve not only your life, but the lives of all those who you may come in contact with, as you dare to accomplish those things that are close to your heart in this Season.

Here are a few tips for you…

  1.     You can decide to shape your life on this day in your mind, body. and soul.
  2.     You can also decide to forgive others for anything that they may have done to you, said to you, or said about you that had affected you in a negative way.
  3.      You can forgive yourself and anyone else for the shame or self-defeating thoughts that you have been carrying around; and you can exchange those thoughts and feelings for a vision of spiritual purifying rain washing away the negative impacts that may have put a damper on your life in the past.
  4.      It is never worth carrying around old luggage that weighs you down.  And, remember that negative interactions in life add up to heavy burdensome luggage.  You don’t need it, and you don’t want to carry that into another amazing Season in your life.

Without any excuses whatsoever, let us go back to the original question for today…

What new thing or things are you going to dare to do this Season?

Whatever happened to you that took a little piece of your spirit just simply made room for another divinely added piece of your spirit to come into place…

Maybe you had forgotten that you were a Writer, or an Artist, or passionate about a cause long put aside.

Maybe you had forgotten that you were a Photographer who could capture the world like no one else ever has, or ever will…

And  just maybe, YOU are a Healer who can lay hands on the sick, or help to mend the broken-hearted.

Maybe you were born to create a Documentary that will change the lives of many people.

Maybe your Voice is needed for songs, for motivation, for inspiration ~ you may possess a heavenly tone for uplifting those who need to hear your words of compassion, understanding, wisdom and knowledge.

God is like an umbrella ~ covering all people, places, and things.

You are loved, you are special, you are needed, and you are ‘called’ to BE just who God intended you to be.

And, who on earth can disagree about that?

René Allen

© Copyright – René Allen – April 4th, 2016 – UMBRELLA LIFE – All Rights Reserved

SEASONS Change by René Allen

SEASONS Change by René Allen

Visit regularly to receive helpful tips to assist you as you Journal all of the Seasons that make up your Life experiences.  Remember that Journals help you to keep track of what is happening in your life.  Your Journal is a tool that you can use to pinpoint the life-changing events that shape your life.

Take your time when you shop for your Journals.  You will need more than one — you should have one for each Season, and those Seasons are specific to your life.    More on our Journals later…

In the meantime, pull out the Journals that you have, and go shopping for NEW ones!

We’ll see you back here for your Seasons Change Journal Workshop (Begins Sunday, March 22, 2015).