What’s My Point?

A Blog that you will enjoy by friend William Calkins.

Roarke Reality Riffs


What’s my point. A statement I often make when I’ve criss-crossed a thousand loosely related tangents to frame my discussion and establish my point. Then I rhetorically ask aloud, “what’s my point.” It’s a focusing technique, a moment to let the contrail of thoughts and concepts settle, catch-up and then I execute a grand paraphrase. At least that’s the gist of the premise, the general idea, the altruistic intent of any of my conversations; making the quintessential point.

Sometimes I have to shake my fellow conversationalist awake, or looking into their glazed over eyes, snap my fingers to re-focus their attention or as a last resort, wave something shiny above my head. Sometimes it’s quicker to just take a few beats and then declare, “never mind” so we can go get some flat beer and chili dogs down at the bowling alley.

There’s an old adage that states, “pick your…

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